Instagram bans accounts that violate its community guidelines in a measure to keep the platform as safe as possible. Sometimes, it’s not the account outrightly, but a post the person makes. When it comes to posts, Instagram is not always accurate, and you can file a complaint or request a review if you’re sure the post does not violate community guidelines.

In this article, we’ll see the key points in Instagram’s community guidelines, what it takes to request a review on Instagram, the process involved, and how to appeal to the Oversight board.

What Are Instagram’s Community Guidelines?

Instagram’s community guidelines are rules that all users must follow to ensure an authentic and safe space. The guidelines include a few points a post can unintentionally violate, which may result in post removal or account suspension. These are some of the important guidelines you’re not expected to violate on Instagram:

  • What Are Instagram’s Community Guidelines?How Do You Ask Instagram for a Review?Method #1: Through Your Account StatusMethod #2: From Support InboxHow To Appeal to Instagram Oversight BoardConclusion

  • Share original photos and videos that were taken by you or that you have the right to share.Do not post nudity or porn.Do not spam accounts with messages, comments, or likes. You’re to engage in meaningful interactions genuinely.Respect the other users of Instagram. Make your interactions free of threats, hate speech, and shameful content.Do not promote or glorify self-injury; keep graphic content away from the platform when sharing newsworthy events.

These are the major conditions your posts are not meant to go against. However, bots tend to interpret some content as relating to graphic content or nudity. As a result, Instagram can be inaccurate by taking down posts that do not violate these community guidelines.

Most news and media outlets with accounts on Instagram can encounter this frequently when sharing information and happenings worldwide. Such posts can be important; you can ask Instagram to review its decision when your post is taken down.

How Do You Ask Instagram for a Review?

There are two ways to ask Instagram for a review on flagged posts and accounts. The first known method is through the “Account Status” accessible through your account settings, and the second is via the “Support Requests” accessible from your account settings.

Method #1: Through Your Account Status

  • Launch your Instagram application.Navigate to your profile page by clicking your profile picture at the bottom right.Click on the menu icon at the top right of the profile page.Tap on “Settings” and click on “Account.”Click on “Account Status.”Tap on the post that was taken down and click on “Request a review.”Click on “Submit a request,” then Done.

Method #2: From Support Inbox

However, if you don’t want to use the first method, you can use the support inbox from Instagram.

  • Launch your Instagram app, and navigate to your profile page by clicking on the profile icon.On your profile page, click on the three-line menu to the top right of the page.Click on “Settings” and then click on “Help.”Tap on the “Support Requests” tab and click on “Violations.”Check the decision sent to you about removing a post.Click on the “More options” tab at the bottom.Tap on the tab “Request Review,” then click Close.

Instagram prioritizes its users and will always take another look at automatically removed posts if the user asks. When Instagram has made its decision, the user will get a notification. If the content was taken down by mistake, Instagram will repost and apologize for the inconvenience caused.

However, if the review still does not favor your request and you are sure you’re not violating any rule, you can appeal to the Oversight Board on Instagram. However, you should note that the Oversight board selects its cases, so your post might still not get reviewed.

How To Appeal to Instagram Oversight Board

You can only appeal to the Oversight Board after you’ve requested a review process. When you do, and the decision does not favor you, you can go ahead to the Oversight Board. However, you must be eligible to appeal even after requesting a review. To check if you’re eligible, navigate to the violations tab from the second method in the above section.

When you do, tap on the “Removal decision” sent, and if the message contains an Oversight Board reference number, you’re eligible. The number usually starts with IG, followed by eight numbers and letters. However, you will not be able to appeal if you do not see the reference number.

If you’re eligible and want to appeal, copy the reference number and follow these instructions.

  • Go to the Oversight Board website and log in with your Instagram account.When you’ve logged in, answer the questions provided.

Your responses will help Instagram understand how it made the wrong decision in taking down your content. When the team comes to a decision, you’ll get a notification.


With this guide, you can request a review for any post of yours that Instagram takes down. However, ensure you’re not violating any of the guidelines; hence the whole process will be futile.