There are many possible scenarios to test. In this Example, We will select a simple Test Scenario, to begin with. “Check that user successfully logs in to the application on inputting valid Agent Name & Password” Here are the Test Steps for this Scenario Test Step 1) Open Flight Reservation Application Test Step 2) Enter Valid Agent Name Test Step 3) Enter Valid Password Test Step 4) Press Ok Test Step 5) Close Application After Successful Login. Let’s automate these 5 steps in HP UFT

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Steps to Record a Script in QTP

Step 1) In Micro Focus UFT click the record button. The Record and Run settings Dialog Box Open. This box opens automatically each time you begin recording a new test Step 2) Record & Run settings shows a tabs corresponding to add-ins installed and loaded for your test. So, for example, if you have SAP Add-in Installed and loaded you will see an SAP tab. The Windows Application tab is always available and is used for environments, such as Visual Basic, ActiveX, and terminal emulators. For any Environment, the Record and Run settings can be classified into two generic groups

  1. Record & Run on ANY window belonging to that particular environment
  2. Record & Run on a SPECIFIC window belonging to that particular environment – which is the recommended Option For the time being, let’s stick to default settings. Once settings are done, QTP remembers and uses the same settings for additional record sessions on the same test, unless you manually open the Record and Run Settings dialog box to modify the settings. Step 3) Click okay. QTP Starts Recoding Mode Step 4) Record the 5 test steps. In QTP, Stop recording. Save the script as “LogIn” Recording is done. More examples in the next tutorial.