One of the ten characters as mentioned earlier is Earl, a truck driver who moves back and forth between galaxies. Unlike the other characters in the game, he is humble and confident enough not to use any flashy-looking title next to his name. The noble giant is contented sufficient to get his ship repaired somehow. All he wishes for is to be reunited with his beloved wife, Misty, with the assistance of his reliable Light Machine Gun, of course. Earl could be your character of choice if you prefer to lead a head-on charge against the enemy. His kit consists of healing, bonus damage, and unexpected agility for someone so massive. So without any further ado, let’s get started with Earl.

Play Earl: Abilities and Upgrades

Given below is our guide with a complete list of Earl’s Abilities and Upgrades in Crucible.


  • Passive: When you activate this, Earl’s passive Turbofire will boost his rate of firing as he shoots his LMG.
  • Afterburner (L Shift): This will turn Earl’s trademark LMG into a powerful rocket that propels him forward. This ability has a long time of activation, which results in a large range of rotation. You will not be able to stop it until it’s run its course.
  • Tanking Up (Q): On using this, Earl will use a potion to replenish 200 units of health over half a second.
  • Blowback Vents (E): This is an AoE shielding ability. It can spread out with time over a radius of eight meters. It knocks incoming projectiles off-course and also sends any approaching attackers reeling backward.
  • Upshift (Right mouse click): This acts as a part of Earl’s passive Turbofire. It will produce a volley of explosive shots at the target.

Essence Upgrades

  • Big Rig (Level One): This will help Earl gain an additional 300 units of maximum health.
  • High Idle (Level One): This upgrade will prevent Turbofire from falling below 25 percent.
  • Packing a Spare (Level One): This will help Earl obtain 30 additional rounds of maximum ammunition.
  • Nothing Wasted (Level Two): When you use this, medkits will heal Earl 50 percent more.
  • Scatterblast Shot (Level Three): This will grant Upshift an extra 12.5 to 25 damage. It will also boost its AoE to four meters.
  • Directional Vents (Level Three): This will boost up Blowback Vents’ speed of movement, and increase its duration to 3 seconds.
  • X-Turbo Draft (Level Three): When you activate this, Earl will obtain maximum Turbofire after Tanking Up.
  • Full Throttle (Level Four): When you activate this, any foes running into Earl during the Afterburner will be sent reeling backward, paralyzed, and inflicted with 36 units of damage.
  • Red Line That Sucker (Level Five): If Earl reaches maximum Turbofire, this upgrade will increase his projectile speed by 33 percent and firing spread by 25 percent.
  • Star-Ball Energy Drink (Level Five): Thus, upgrade works on Tanking Up, ridding it of all negative status effects and enhancing its heal by 100.

Additional Hints

It is important to bear in mind that although Earl’s kit provides him with much-needed agility and a formidable rate of firing, it may not be enough for his abysmally slow gun to be swift enough during ambushes. Therefore, it is advisable to keep his passive Turbofire charged beforehand. That will help you during any sudden attacks from sneaky enemies.

If you want to be an all-rounder in regards to offense and defense, then Earl’s Blowback Vents could be your choice. After getting Earl past enemy territory, you can heal him with Tanking Up. In case there’s a sudden change of plans, you can use Afterburner to shimmy past your unsuspecting foes. You can also use it to reposition Earl at short notice.

This guide was to help the players of Crucible to understand Earl along with his abilities and upgrades. We hope you have a great time going through our guide and playing as the dynamic Earl in Crucible. If you have any queries or feedback, feel free to comment down below with your Name and E-mail ID. Likewise, check out our iPhone Tips and Tricks, PC tips and tricks, Games and Android Tips and Tricks for more such tips and tricks. We urge you to participate in our third week $150 giveaway by subscribing to our YouTube Channel. Thank You!